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Company Name Location
Oregon State University Oregon
Oregon Tax Credit Transfers, LLC Eagle Point, Oregon
Oregon TimberWerks Eugene, Oregon
Oregon Timberworks Bend, Oregon
Oregon Wood Innovation Center Corvallis, Oregon
Oregon Wooden Toy Co. Eugene, Oregon
Oregon Woodland Co-op Banks, Oregon
Oregon-Canadian Forest Products Inc. North Plains, Oregon
Orenco Sash & Door Inc. Hillsboro, Oregon
OrePac Manufacturing Dallas, Oregon
Osprey Custom Sawing Estacada, Oregon
OSU Extension Service College of Forestry Corvallis, Oregon
Ourada Designs Nine Mile Falls, Washington
Out of the Woods of Oregon Eugene, Oregon
Overbay Houseworks Warrenton, Oregon
OVS McMinnville, Oregon
Owossow, Inc. Elmira, Oregon
Pacifc Northwest TGS La Center, Washington
Pacific Air Helicopters, Inc. Sandy, Oregon
Pacific Architectural Wood Products Portland, Oregon