OSU Extension Service College of Forestry

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Business Type: Education    OSU's Extension Forestry Program, through education and applied research, strives to improve Oregonians' knowledge of forest resources and their options for expanding benefits from these resources. The program assists woodland owners, forestry professionals, forest industry, loggers, forest workers, and the general public in understanding forest management and utilization via a network of campus- and county-based faculty. The Forestry Program is one of six that comprise the Oregon State University Extension Service. Our mission is to provide objective education and information to help Oregonians solve problems, develop skills, and manage resources related to youth, family, community, farm, forest, energy and marine resources. Useful URL's: OSU College of Forestry http://www.cof.orst.edu Oregon Forestry Education Program (resource for teachers) http://cof.orst.edu/cof/extended/ofep/ E-Answers (national database of answers for ag. & forestry) http://www.e-answers.org/      Counties Served:   All Oregon counties

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James E. Johnson
(541) 737-3008
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Company Contact Information

OSU Extension Service College of Forestry

OSU Extension Service College of Forestry
109 Richardson Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-5750
United States

Tel. (541) 737-1727