World Forestry Center Magness Memorial Tree Farm

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Business Type: Education    Experience: 4-38 years  Education: varies; BS to PhD  Certification/Licenses: 1 professional (licensed) engineer; 5 foresters      Dennis P. Dykstra, President. (   Our mission is to educate the public about the positive benefits of managed forests. We work with schools, youth groups, woodland organizations, etc. The World Forestry Center is a nonprofit educational organization devoted to improving the understanding of well-managed forests and related resources. An integral part of the educational program of the Forestry Center is assistance provided to small woodland owners and forest advisors. This segment of the educational program is accomplished through the Center's demonstration forest, the Magness Memorial Tree Farm, permanent exhibits at the Center, and through educational programs and classes provided to woodland owners and forest advisors. The Magness Memorial Tree Farm, located near Wilsonville, Oregon, offers a unique opportunity to view several different management techniques on one 80-acre woodland property. Trails have been established to take groups or individuals through all the management units. A visitor center located at the Tree Farm is available for group meetings and classroom activities of up to 50 people. Groups should contact the Forestry Center to schedule staff assistance before visiting the Tree Farm. A variety of forestry related seminars are scheduled periodically by the Forestry Center. Julian Cheatham Hall and Harold A. Miller Hall offer ample space for groups or individuals seeking classroom or meeting space in the Portland area.    Counties Served:  All Oregon counties 

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Company Contact Information

World Forestry Center Magness Memorial Tree Farm

World Forestry Center Magness Memorial Tree Farm
4033 SW Canyon Road
Portland, OR 97221
United States

Tel. (503) 228-1367