Tim Gilbert Trucking

Products and Services
Hauling, log
Hauling, residual (chip, sawdust)
Log Buying Preferences
Accepts Big Logs
Additional Information

Business Type: Forest Industry    Experience: 21 years owner operator  Education: Engineering Degree    Specializes in self-loading log trucks with short log (16' logs; 27 ton net) to long logs (60' long) capability and up to 26,000# self-loaders.    Counties Served:   Baker County  Umatilla County  Union County  Wallowa County

Company Contacts
Tim or Debbie Gilbert
(541) 432-5702
Email Contact
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Company Contact Information

Tim Gilbert Trucking

Tim Gilbert Trucking
64120 Airway Road
Joseph, OR 97846
United States

Tel. (541) 432-7425