Collins - Klamath Falls, OR - TruWood Siding | Trim

Products and Services
Products Produced / Sold
Products Produced
Log Buying Preferences
Accepts Big Logs
Annual Production (MBF)
140 MMSF annually (7/16" basis)
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Additional Information

Exterior Siding and Trim
Thickness: 7/16", 1/2"
Size: Lap: 6"-16" w. 16' l. Panel: 4'x 8'
Texture: Lap: Old Mill (cedar), Cedar Shake
Panel: Old Mill, Adobe (stucco)
Groove Pattern: Variety of styles
Primer: Primed, including edges

Exterior Trim Reversible
Thickness: ¾", 1"
Size: 2 ½" – 11 ¼" w. 16' l.
Texture: Old Mill one side, smooth one side
Primer: Completely primed on all four sides

Company Contacts
Lee Jimerson
Sales Manager
Work Phone
(503) 826-5266
Email Contact
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Mark Stewart
Operational Manager
Work Phone
(541) 885-3260
Email Contact
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Jeff Cronin
Technical Director
Work Phone
(541) 885-3303
Email Contact
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Company Contact Information

Collins - Klamath Falls, OR - TruWood Siding | Trim

Collins - Klamath Falls, OR - TruWood Siding | Trim
6410 Highway 66
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
United States

Tel. (541) 884-2241