Carriage Works Inc.

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The Carriage Works has been in the business of designing and manufacturing Retail Merchandising Units (RMUs), Retail Carts, Coffee & Espresso Carts, Food Carts, Kiosks, and Push Carts since 1978. We have a customer base that spans the food service, retail, and entertainment industries, as well as representing over 30 countries. If you have an upcoming project that requires portable or semi-permanent food service operations, or a temporary tenant retail program, please give us a call. Our knowledgable staff look forward to assisting you.

Company Contacts
Judy Evensizer
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Company Contact Information

Carriage Works Inc.

Carriage Works Inc.
1877 Mallard Lane
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
United States

Tel. 541-882-0700