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Company Name Location
Uncommon Cabinetry Corvallis, Oregon
Underdog Timber Felling Medford, Oregon
Unique Woods of the Northwest Elmira, Oregon
United Pacific Forest Products Scappoose, Oregon
Universal Forest Products Woodburn, Oregon
Urban Forest Pro Portland, Oregon
Urban Lumber Company Springfield, Oregon
Urban Timber Works Portland, Oregon
Urwald Tree Farm Portland, Oregon
US Transmissions Inc. Sherwood, Oregon
V & K Construction Hillsboro, Oregon
V. T. West Inc. Roseburg, Oregon
VacDry Kilns Sales, LLC Ridgefield, Washington
Valley Mfg. Co. Woodburn, Oregon
Valuation and Assets Services Frederick, Maryland
VanNatta Bros Rainier, Oregon
Vanport International Inc. Boring, Oregon
Vern Holstad Tillamook, Oregon
Versatile Wood Products
Vintage Hardwood Flooring, LLC Gaston, Oregon