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Company Name Location
Mid-Valley Wood Products, A Div. of Mid-Valley Rehabilitation, Inc. Amity, Oregon
Mid-Willamette Precut Scio, Oregon
Midway Custom Cabinets Inc. Hillsboro, Oregon
Mike Matthews Salem, Oregon
Mike's Stills and Essential Oils Newberg, Oregon
Milestone Nursery Lyle, Washington
Mill & Industrial Supply The Dalles, Oregon
Mill Creek Lumber LLC Noti, Oregon
Miller Timber Services Philomath, Oregon
Millwood Bend, Oregon
Millwood Timber, Inc. Federal Way, Washington
Mineral Springs Ornamentals Carlton, Oregon
MJB Wood Group, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon
Mobile Boring Solutions Dundee, Oregon
Modern Building Systems Inc. Aumsville, Oregon
Modulog Industries Portland, Oregon
Moe Country Cupboards Inc North Powder, Oregon
Mohawk Valley Grille Works Springfield, Oregon
Monarca Forestry Inc Central Point, Oregon
Monkey Bars NW Portland, Oregon